Ferry House, South Denes Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR30 3PJ
Who are we?
This is Arvorum
Arvorum is part of a comprehensive global precision farming network that has been customised with optimised connections to British software, data and machinery. Arvorum is easy to set up and easy to use.
Reduce Farm Input Costs
3-Year Biomass History as Standard
Optimise Your Crops
It’s That Simple...
Create a Farm
Quickly set up your farm, address, and contact details.
Field Shape
Locate your field and either draw the outline or upload a file.
Get Started
Set up the tramlines and add information about the field.
Easy creation of application cards
Seeding Maps
Reduce seed costs by adjusting your seed rate to the exact soil conditions and yield potential.
Benefit from uniform emergence, making every subsequent input application more effective.
Easily calculate the input costs of seeding per hectare & in total.
Fertiliser Maps
Reduce fertiliser costs by adjusting your application precisely to the soil conditions and yield potential.
Benefit from uniform emergence, making every subsequent input application more effective.
Sustainable crop protection use and compliance without yield loss.
PGR Maps
Reduce lodging and increase harvest efficiency. Stress reduction through adapted application rates. Yield increase thanks to optimal plant development and homogeneous maturity.
Collaboration made even more efficient.
Collaboration made even more efficient.
The Arvorum Scouting feature allows notes to be recorded, categorised, and documentation uploaded. Each note can be added as an overall comment, attachment, or as a drawn area within the field.
Ensure that your staff, colleagues, or consultants have access to your scouting notes, fields, or the entire operation.
Still have a little patience. Distribution in your country is being prepared.Are you interested in a sensor? Join our list and be the first to know when CropX sensors become available.
Don’t miss the chance to participate in the biggest giveaway of this year.
Still have a little patience. Distribution in your country is being prepared.Are you interested in a sensor? Join our list and be the first to know when CropX sensors become available.
CropX sensor benefits in a nutshell
With CropX, you can monitor fields conditions, take preventive actions and base your strategies on accurate data.